Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat Berbasis Unit dan Elemen (IKMa-BUDE) dalam Pelayanan Puskesmas Ngariboyo, Magetan

Sunarto Sunarto, Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho, Suparji Suparji


Research purposes is measuring the value of the community satisfaction index to the Ngariboyo health center services based on units and elements of service (IKMa-BUDE). This measurement method differs from the previous community satisfaction index survey which was only based on units. The research method was a survey. The research location at Ngariboyo Magetan health center, conducted in 2019 with a total respondents of 230 people. The research variable was the level of community satisfaction with health center services, and the data of which were collected using a questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive statistics in the form of an index and presented in the form of tables and spider web diagrams based on units and service elements. The result of this research was that eight service units already have a community satisfaction index above the target and eight service units below the target. From the spider web diagram, there were four units that far exceed the target circle, each of which were: 1) Selotinatah auxiliary health center unit, 2) emergency unit, 3) mother and child clinic unit, and 4) Banyudono auxiliary health center unit. Judging from the nine elements of service, it also had a service quality level above the target so that it was categorized as very good. The conclusion of this research is that there are four units that need to improve their services, dental clinic unit, Selopanggung auxiliary center unit, Banjarejo auxiliary center unit and general clinic unit. Judging from the service element, there are two elements of service that need improvement, namely the element of service completion time and the element of support for infrastructure.
Keywords: community satisfaction index; service unit; service element


Tujuan penelitian adalah mengukur nilai indeks kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan Puskesmas Ngariboyo berbasis unit dan elemen pelayanan (IKMa-BUDE). Metode pengukuran ini berbeda dengan survei indeks kepuasan masyarakat sebelumnya yang hanya berbasis unit saja. Metode penelitian adalah survei, lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas Ngariboyo Magetan, waktu penelitian tahun 2019 dengan jumlah responden sejumlah 230 orang. Variabel penelitian adalah tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan Puskesmas yang datanya dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk indeks dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan spider web diagram berbasis unit dan elemen pelayanan. Hasil penelitian dari delapan unit pelayanan sudah memiliki indeks kepuasan masyarakat di atas target dan delapan unit layanan di bawah target. Hasil spider web diagram, terdapat empat unit yang sangat jauh melampaui lingkaran target, masing-masing adalah: 1) unit Pustu Selotinatah, 2) unit gawat darurat, 3) unit-KIA, dan 4) unit Pustu Banyudono. Ditinjau dari sembilan elemen pelayanan juga sudah memiliki tingkatan kualitas pelayanan di atas target sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Kesimpulan penelitian terdapat empat unit yang perlu perbaikan layanannya yaitu unit klinik gigi, unit Pustu Selopanggung, unit Pustu Banjarejo dan unit klinik umum. Ditinjau dari elemen pelayanan terdapat dua elemen pelayanan yang perlu perbaikan yaitu elemen waktu penyelesaian layanan dan elemen dukungan sarana prasarana. Rekomendasi perlu upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan secara berkelanjutan dengan benchmarking terhadap perbaikan empat unit layanan dan dua elemen layanan yang di nilai buruk oleh masyarakat.
Kata kunci: indeks kepuasan masyarakat; unit pelayanan; elemen pelayanan

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